About Us

Why Rooted?

Our name comes from Colossians 2:6
"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."

Rooted is a rare word in the New Testament, and it brings forth a powerful metaphor that we hope to live out as a community. As Christians, our anchor - our root - is in the Gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed in Scripture. That message never changes, and neither does God. And yet, as a tree grows, it does change shape over time, reaches out, and what was once a seedling becomes a source of life.

Why A Church Plant?

This church has been formed by people simply living out the mission Jesus gave his disciples. As our sending church grew, we looked around and realized a bunch of us live here!

Now we have the opportunity to keep doing what we've been doing, but as a new community. This is us, and we're here because we truly believe the mission and the message of Jesus.

What are you guys about?

Our Core Values help to capture the essence of who we are as Jesus’ people. They don’t say everything, but they do help create culture-making categories that clarify who we are seeking to be as a church.


Rooted in Christ

Jesus is our true hope.

Led by God's Word

The Bible is our true authority.

Dependent in Prayer

Conversation with God is our true source of life.


Reach the Lost

With the hope of the gospel.

Connect the Unconnected

To the life of the church, God's family.

Chase the Strays

To find those who are hurting and restore them.


Fight for Relationship

People are worth the work.

Embrace Authenticity

With Jesus, we can be ourselves.

Commit to Disciple-making

Staying on Jesus' mission with His message.